Saturday, July 18, 2009

Children's Healthcare is looking up

This article, titled "Defying Slump, 13 States Insure More Children, gives us a glimpse into President Obama's process of cleaning up some of the mess that George W. Bush left behind. Healthcare is quite an issue in America; sometimes the deciding factor in the people's election of a president. The issue is broad in that it involves many different groups: the poor, the elderly, among others, but in this case the young and dependent.
The Children of America do not choose the families that they are born into, nor the ecomomic status that their family possesses. They also don't choose the costly and tramatic illnesses that they endure. It is the responsibility of the government to provide for these innocent and dependent children because they cannot provide for themselves. Although it is wonderful that 13 states have increased their range of care, but it is still not enough until all children in need have the proper healthcare.
It is known that the amount of Elderly people is growing and soon, if not now, we will have an Elder Boom in which causes crucial problems that need to be prevented until we have yet another economic crisis on our hands. It is thought that with the Elder boom, there will be less able and working bodies to produce the social security capital that our elders rely on. I think that if America provides the necessary healthcare and resources to our nation's children as well as pregnant women, then the ratio of able-bodied people to the elderly will be in balance, and therefore social security in balance as well.
"On the day Mr. Obama signed the bill, calling it a “down payment” on universal coverage, he also rescinded a Bush administration directive that effectively made it impossible for states to raise their eligibility limits above 250 percent of the poverty level. " I think this quote shows the importance of a SHARED national and state role in the issue, rather than the control by the national government like that in the Bush administration. It is important that that the national government allows for improvement within the states, and therefore within the country.

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